# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
დაკავშირებული სიტყვები
დაკავშირებული სიტყვები არ მოიძებნა
შესაძლოა ასევე გაინტერესებდეთ
acme threadadjusting gaugeadjustment screwair gaugeAllen screwAmerican wire gaugeangle of threadbastard threadbleeder screwboost gaugebore gaugeBourdon gaugeBourdon tube pressure gaugebroad gaugeBrown & Sharpe wire gaugeB & S gaugebutterfly screwbuttress threadcalliper gaugecap screwcapstan-head screwcapstan screwclass of threadclearance gaugeclock gaugecoach screwcoarse-feed threadcoarse-pitch threadcoarse threadcompound gaugecompression gaugecompression pressure gaugeconcentricity gaugecontrol gaugecoolant temperature gaugecross-head screwdeposit gaugedepth gaugedial bore gaugedial gaugediaphragm gaugedifferential screwdigital gaugedistance gaugedome screwdouble-lead threaddouble-start threaddowel screwdraft gaugedraught gaugedrill gaugedrive screwdrive screw nailEdison screwEdison threadendless screwexhaust gas temperature gaugeexternal threadeye screwfeed screwfeeler gaugefemale screwfemale threadfillet gaugefine threadflathead machine screwflat point set screwfloat gaugeforce gaugefuel gaugefuel level gaugegas gaugegaugegauge blockgauge glassgauge pressuregrub screwguide screwhex screwhex socket screwhigh-pressure gaugeidle mixture screwidle speed screwinspection gaugeinternal threadJackson head screwknurled head screwlag screwlead screwleft-hand threadloading gaugemachine screwmachine screw threadmale screwmale threadmarine screw propellermaster gaugemembrane gaugemetric threadnarrow-gauge railwaynylon screwoil gaugeoil level gaugeoil pressure gaugeoil temperature gaugeone-way screwoutdoor temperature gaugeoutside temperature gaugePhillips screwpipe threadpressure gaugeradius gaugerail gaugeright-hand threadring gaugeRobertson screwrolled threadscrewscrew clampscrew compressorscrew conveyorscrew extractorscrew eyescrew headscrew jackscrew pitchscrew pitch gaugescrew shank nailscrew threadscrew thread chaserself-locking screwself-tapping screwset screwsheet-metal screwsheet-metal screw threadsingle-lead threadsingle-start threadsmall hole gaugesocket set screwsquare threadstandard gaugestrain gaugetangential screwtapered threadtapping screwthreadthread anglethread basethread depththread-forming screwthread pitch gaugethread seal tapethrottle adjust screwthumb screwtorx head screwtrack gaugetrapezoidal threadtread depth gaugetwo start threadultrasonic thickness gaugevacuum gaugeV-threadwater gaugewater pressure gaugewater temperature gaugewind gaugewing screwwood screwwood screw threadworm screwX-ray thickness gauge

screw thread gauge

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