# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
დაკავშირებული სიტყვები
სინონიმები არ მოიძებნა
შესაძლოა ასევე გაინტერესებდეთ
acme threadadjustment screwAllen screwangle of threadanswering machineautomated teller machineautomatic teller machinebalancing machinebanding machinebastard threadbleeder screwboring machinebricklayer machinebroaching machinebuffing machinebutterfly screwbuttress threadcap screwcapstan-head screwcapstan screwcentring machinechamfering machinecharging machineclass of threadcoach screwcoarse-feed threadcoarse-pitch threadcoarse threadconcrete spraying machinecopying machinecross-head screwdifferential screwdome screwdouble-lead threaddouble-start threaddowel screwdrill machinedrive screwdrive screw nailearth drilling machineedging machineEdison screwEdison threadelectric welding machineendless screwexternal threadeye screwfax machinefeed screwfemale screwfemale threadfine threadfine wire drawing machineflanging machineflathead machine screwflat point set screwflotation machinegear cutting machinegrinding machinegrub screwguide screwgun drilling machinehemming machinehex screwhex socket screwhobbing machinehoning machineidle mixture screwidle speed screwinternal threadJackson head screwJava virtual machinejointing machineknurled head screwlag screwlaser drilling machinelead screwleft-hand threadmachinemachine addressmachine codemachine dependent softwaremachine independent softwaremachine languagemachine learningmachine oilmachine-orientedmachine-readablemachine screwmachine toolmachine translationmale screwmale threadmarine screw propellermetric threadmilling machinenylon screwone-way screwPhillips screwpipe threadplate shearing machineprofiling machineramming machineremanufactured machineright-hand threadRobertson screwrolled threadroll-threading machineruling machinesanding machinescrewscrew clampscrew compressorscrew conveyorscrew extractorscrew eyescrew headscrew jackscrew pitchscrew pitch gaugescrew shank nailscrew threadscrew thread chaserscrew thread gaugeself-locking screwself-tapping screwset screwsheet-metal screwsheet-metal screw threadsingle-lead threadsingle-start threadsocket set screwsquare threadstrapping machinetangential screwtapered threadtapping screwthreadthread anglethread basethread depththread-forming screwthread pitch gaugethread seal tapethrottle adjust screwthumb screwtorx head screwtrapezoidal threadTuring machinetwo start threadvirtual machineV-threadvulcanizing machinewelding machinewing screwwood screwwood screw threadworm screw

machine screw thread

არსებითი სახელი
ქართულად | რუსულად
წვრილი / წვრილბიჯიანი კუთხვილი (სამანქანო ხრახნისა) [იხ. აგრ. machine screw].